Wow. Long time. I guess the easiest thing to say is that life got in the way. In reality, once I skipped a day it became far too easy to skip the rest. I hadn't even realized two whole months had passed since I last picked up the (metaphorical) pencil. Ironic, isn't it, that 30 consecutive days seems so challenging to blog for, and yet two months just flew by. I am far too young to not make the most out of the time that I have.
So how will I address this severe lack of effort? Firstly, and mainly, I found myself struggling with what to write. There were a couple of days of pure inspiration, but for the most part, I bogged myself down on research and was unhappy about the product. The solution? A titular three-pronged approach. Each prong, per se, will represent an overarching project or goal. My task each day will be to update you, my loyal audience, who has stayed with me through long stints of absence, on the progress I've made down each of these roads. There may be days when prongs are untouched, but the goal is always to have something to write about. And if I can't progress on any task in a given day... well that would just be disappointing. When the creative juices flow, I will allow myself to write. Nevertheless, henceforth I should always have content to revert to.
Prong One: 普通话
What does that say? No really, I can't read it either. What I can tell you is that I've been paying for monthly Chinese tutoring which I seldom seem to use. No more. The goal is to spend at least 30 minutes a day practicing this difficult language. Sure, it may take years before I can put together a basic conversation, but as I like to say, the time will pass anyway.
Prong Two: Project
The second item on my agenda will be a project of sorts. I already have an idea and a start, which will be part of tomorrow's update, but the content of the project is unimportant. The truth is that I have a pretty lackluster portfolio to represent my abilities. I'll continue to plug away, and ultimately finish, projects to add to this wonderful website.
Prong Three: Learning
I love learning. In fact, I would say that I am quite good at it. I would like to have something daily to update the blog about. Whether this is part of the book I am reading or a course I am working through, I think it is important to consistently better myself. In what way is up in the air, but keeping accountability is crucial.
So, those are the prongs. I think they are pretty solid, but time will tell how I progress. I feel like I am undergoing a quarter-life crisis, so hopefully I can harness this nervous energy and continue to climb upwards.